£78.00 GBP

Our online MYP community costs just £29 per month and gives you access to professional-level photographers who can answer all your questions. Tips and techniques, tutorials, and expert advice is readily available and there's no minimum commitment - just take it one month at a time.

Camera Kickstart coaching (2x30 min sessions)

Ready to Turn Every Click into a Masterpiece? Secure Your sessions now!

What You'll Get:

  •  Tailored Guidance in Real-Time: Two 30-minute one-on-one online sessions focused entirely on you and your photography journey.
  •  Fast-Track Skills Enhancement: Understand the key settings on your camera and how to use them effectively, all in the first session. No more flipping through that camera manual!
  •  Constructive Feedback and Support: Your personalized project reviewed, with actionable feedback that you can use immediately. Plus, a Q&A session to clear up any doubts or questions you might have.

What People Are Saying:

Camera manuals are so boring, and difficult to find the answers you want. Having a short one to one meeting answered so many questions that I had in record time.
